A New Start for New Year

I have some exciting updates! As of today, I am shutting down The Literarium and am moving all of my content to a new home: A Storied Soul at astoriedsoul.wordpress.com

I have debated and thought about changing this blog name to something that is more meaningful, more “me”, and more suited to who I am in relation to books. The new website is in a position to do what I want it to and to go where I want it to, and after five years here, I think it’s time for a new start.

A big issue for me with The Literarium is that it implies a “literary-ness” that I no longer subscribe to, that I should write about books that have a “literary” quality to them. I have grown in the last five years and my reading tastes have grown and changed too. I started writing solely about “literary fiction”, and over time I started reading more YA fiction, short stories, mysteries, and children’s fiction. In this vein, as I have entered the library field in which I work, I have developed a love of all books, and I have come to believe that it is literacy and reading that are important, not the inherent canonical value of a text or genre.

Besides, I have grown to not identify with this old website as much. The name does not reflect “me” and who I am as a writer, blogger, literacy advocate, and reader anymore.

So, I am moving to a website that will enable to me to do just that.

I hope you all will take this journey with me. Please update your bookmarks and links. I have exported all the content from this site to the new one, so you will be able to find your favorite posts, pages, and ramblings there.

Thank you, every one, for your friendship and support up to this point–it is something I highly value and appreciate–and I hope to continue to have that as I move forward at my new website.
